
Magnesium Stearate

Magnesium Stearate

Colour & Appearance - White Free Flowing Powder

Bulk Density 1,3
– Loose 0.25
– Compact* gm/cc 0.32
Moisture (105°C ) 2 % <4.0
Electrolytes % <1.0
Residue on 200 mesh 5 % <0.2
Melting Point ºC 130±10
Softening Point ºC 95-105
Melt Quality -- transparent
Mg content % 4.0-5.0
Fe content Ppm max 80
Heavy metals as Pb Ppm max 20
Free fatty matter % <1.0
Nickel Ppm max 5

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As an acid scavenger in polymers processing
As an internal lubricant in polymers processing
As a water repellant
As a pharmaceutical ingredient for tablet coating